
Make • Move • Magic Workshop

This workshop is meant to assist you in not only initiating powerful change in your life experience, but actually embodying new energetic shifts at the physical level. This process includes three complementary activities: energetic alchemy, intuitive rhythmic movement, and the creation of intuitive art.

The truth is, you can try all of the self-help methodologies and visit all the psychics and healers in the world, but if you’re resisting being present in your body, it’s not going to do anything. 

It’s not going to stick. 

Body work (movement) is energy work, and energy work is body work, because the physical and the energetic realms are interconnected.

This means that physical movement can help with energetic release, and engaging in energetic work can also positively affect the physical body (lowered anxiety, a more regulated nervous system, fewer physical restrictions, and more).

The goal of this workshop is therefor to effect the greatest shifts possible by combining art, movement, and the power of Sacred Embodiment to:

  • Mobilize stagnant and calcified energies,

  • Remove attachments to any distorted programs and patterns,

  • Deepen your connection to your Self as Source, thereby embodying self-sovereignty,

  • Reveal new gifts, and

  • Expand both physical and energetic opportunities.

  • Bring your intentions, concerns, and experiences to calibrate the purification process. We’ll create a group field to more powerfully alchemize the energetics, and begin to shift using the 10 Meditations Tool. Together, we’ll move more energy faster and more efficiently. Everyone's individual purification becomes amplified by the group field.

  • We’ll begin to move, focusing on the 10 Meditations phrases that arise for the group. Take note of the sensations you’re experiencing. We’ll introduce new 10 Meditations phrases as the energy begins to transform. The goal is to fully embody the energy and alchemize — for lasting change — through movement.

  • We’ll bring our energy to paper as we intuitively express through mark-and art-making while we continue our use of the 10 Meditations.

  • We’ll reconvene to share our experiences, which will refresh the space and the group field energetically.

  • We’ll repeat the transformative cycle more times, until our session is complete.

Returning to True Nature Healing Arts in Carbondale, CO!

July 21 from 6-8pm. $40.

Contact me to host a similar workshop at your location.

Create Your Own Oracle Cards/Deck

  • We’ll choose and share intentions (if you don’t have a specific project in mind, you can intend to deepen your own intuition and creative capacity), and we’ll begin a deep energy clearing to increase receptivity, clear barriers, and remove any distortion so that all intentions and creation energy are purified to your highest state.

  • In our intentional, purified energetic state, we’ll freewrite and share our own potent mantras and messages.

  • In our intentional and energetically purified state, we’ll create multiple pieces of intuitive art which we’ll shuffle and share.

  • Without looking at the existing messages or artwork, we’ll tune in and express in words and art, led by our intuition.

  • After a short demo and discussion, we’ll begin to ask our own questions (sample questions will be provided) and draw from the collective pile of cards. You’ll see just how tuned in you are, and begin to realize that you can trust your own Knowing!

  • We’ll share with the group and receive another powerful group energy clearing to deepen the energy of our creations and open the door to our next big step.

This is not "just a course/ workshop" — it’s a deep and powerful JOURNEY.

I'm a magically intuitive healer, artist/illustrator, graphic designer (with 25+ years of professional design experience), coloring book and oracle deck publisher, and coach of intuitive art and oracle deck creation! I’ve created and published FIVE decks of my own, and illustrated / designed / assisted in publishing multiple tarot and oracle decks for others.

I channel powerful energies into each piece of art or design I create, and my coaching goal is to PROVE that everyone is both intuitive and an artist. I want to teach you how to open your own flow to authentic soul expression!

Creating your own Oracle Cards and/or Deck is one of the most fabulous ways you could ever possibly step into in creating a momentum of success for 2 reasons.....

  1. In the tangible, physical world… You can create your own magical oracle to refer to for guidance on a daily basis. You can gift the deck to loved ones, or offer it/ give readings in local-friendly shops and markets. You can give the deck as a bonus to clients or as a reward for sign-ups in your own workshops. You can have other coaches, healers give your deck as a bonus (great way to joint venture). You can use the Pull a Card thread in Facebook groups (people LOVE that) and SO Much MORE!!

  2. In the energetic world… Every card you create increases the power and resonance of the Morphic Field of your magic/ wisdom and/or your business, which will accelerate the momentum of your message and success. Every card that is seen, touched, or thought about is part of your Morphic Field. It generates more energy and anchors it more firmly into the consciousness of your current AND possible audience/ clients!!!

Workshop Version: Tarot/Oracle Card Creation Magic

Note: The intention of this workshop is to open you more deeply to your own intuitive capabilities and creative capacity. Through energetic work and various creative exercises, we will open the gates for your next creative project. We will practice non-attachment to increase intuition and creative flow during this process; therefore, please do not come with any expectations of “productivity” or specific “output.”

Coming to True Nature Healing Arts in Carbondale, CO

September 2023

Anahata Codes: Work with Quantum Frequencies

Activate nature’s assistance at a quantum level and accelerate your path to optimal well-being and satisfaction.

Led by Mellie Test, a Certified Anataha Codes Practitioner (CACP), you’ll learn about “Self-directed Biological Transformation” using the vibrational “medicine” of Anahata Codes, which pair quantum intelligence with your own body to create a sense of balance and invite new possibilities.

Holly Hallowell, who founded this method, calls the Anahata Codes the “Law of Attraction of Energy Medicine.”

If you:

  • Have been curious about energy or vibrational medicine.

  • Realize there is far more to your being than meets the eye.

  • Have an increasing, internal urge to explore your abilities and craft the life and experience you desire.

  • Are ready to embrace a new blueprint of being in health, happiness, and abundance.

This is the workshop for you to:

  • Learn about assisting frequencies and the codes inherent in nature.

  • Learn how muscle testing applies to the Anahata Codes.

  • Learn the Art of Asking Questions: How to ask the most accurate questions to arrive at the most effective frequencies for amplifying specific energies and/or removing perceived blocks.

  • Find and activate a recipe of Codes for yourself based on a specific intention.

  • Play with timelines and offer support to/through the past and future.

  • Infuse water, sacred items, tools, and more with Anahata Codes, and create Frequency Labels to do so.

  • Activate a special Code during the workshop to gently accelerate and amplify a powerful new cycle of progress and expansion in your life.


Do you offer the workshop in-person or online?

This workshop adapts easily to both.

Do you offer other tools related to the Anahata Codes?

The artwork for each card in my Dancing Uniquorn Oracle Deck and each card in my Animals of Inspiration Oracle Deck was infused with a specific recipe of Anahata Codes, based on the intention and energy of that specific card. Meaning each card also transmits an energetic activation. I asked each card which combination of frequencies it wanted in order to have the greatest effect when drawn for a reading or as a daily card.

I also released a series of artwork called “Inner Power Paintings,” which often asked to contain a specific “recipe,” or combination, of Anahata Codes — each artwork contained a series of codes chosen by the paintings themselves.

What will I need for the workshop?

I suggest a laptop, iPad, or another device on which you can download (in advance or at the workshop) the Anahata Codes Spreadsheet (scroll to the bottom of the page and click to download.