About Mellie

Healer, Artist, Dancer, Alchemist

I was first introduced to energy work over 18 years ago. I’d been a competitive rugby athlete and professional fitness trainer for years, yet I suddenly began to experience numerous physical injuries and health issues. I began recovering on the sidelines more than I was playing until my body completely shut down.

I went from being extremely fit, strong, and capable (fierce flying tackles as strong side flanker were my specialty) to barely being able to make it around the block. Because what I was experiencing was “invisible” and all sorts of medical specialists weren’t finding any answers, I was called lazy. Behind my back, my doctors began telling each other that I was making everything up to get attention.

It was a woman named Bev who invited me to my first energy session; she managed the fitness program at a gym where I both worked and trained. After my first session (okay, plus a few more) with Bev, I met another healer named Mimi Malfitano who felt I needed to meet her teachers. I began an intensive two-year in-person group training program on the East Coast called Healing with Light, led by Maryke Barclay and Elizabeth Ebaugh.

I’ve studied with numerous teachers since then — guided by my intuition as to my next step each time — and my entire life has shifted more times than I can count. While each modality I’ve studied has served as a stepping stone, as I’ve grown stronger and more empowered, I’ve outgrown many approaches — especially those where the teachers remained invested in their own pedestals. While masking themselves in glitter and gold, bragging about easy financial success (MLM, anyone?), and presenting yummy images of “the perfect life,” these teachers actually depended on students’ disempowerment and codependency to continue.

I believe in honesty, integrity, and accessibility. And that millions of dollars may buy luxury, but they definitely don’t turn a person into gold.

I believe that true physical and energetic strength can only be built by actually walking the path and overcoming real challenges, and that only someone who’s made it through battle after battle is qualified to guide others. My own mentors haven’t been trust-funders; they’ve been energetic warriors.

For the last 8+ years I’ve trained intensively with Cristina Bevir, the founder of the SETM Mastery Tool (10 Meditations Tool) and Sacred Embodiment: the Method. The transformation and empowerment catalyzed by her Tool and Process have meant more (and more lasting) shifts in these recent years than in all my other years of training/experience combined.

Both Cristina and SETM are in high integrity, and she’s continually vigilant to maintain that state, making sure there are no distortions present in the fields. Her energy is clean and clear, which I’ve found rare in the industry as a whole.

I’ve been using her Method exclusively in my 1:1 and group clearings, although I do teach occasional workshops in other modalities that I feel may be helpful to specific locations or populations.

I also continue to maintain my own self-work with a couple of trusted, high-integrity mentors. We’re NEVER done growing and learning, and any “teacher” who thinks they know it all is flying a huge red flag!

Who am I as a human?

  • I live in the Colorado mountains a few hours west of Denver, surrounded by a landscape that nurtures my soul daily.

  • I’m a full-time working single mother to a dynamic, brilliant 13 yo boy and 2 senior doggos.

  • I practice and perform with a local dance company called CoMotion through Dance Initiative.

  • I’m a self-taught artist/illustrator, and my favorite things to make are unicorn illustrations (yes, really), pet portraits, and delicate Polaroid film emulsion lifts. Check out my Magic with Mellie insta.

  • I adore the Colorado outdoors and enjoy hiking, skiing, paddleboarding, rock climbing, and learning to mountain bike.

  • My other “real jobs” include UI/UX design, graphic/web design, search engine marketing, and copywriting. I’m also a spinning (indoor cycling — super fun workout!) instructor at Cyclebar Aspen.

Favorite SETM Quotes

What gets us all through our toughest times is a powerful connection to and belief in our own authority.

The SETM field amplifies and powers up your energetic clearing. We only clear within so that more can shine out.


We need to listen with a mind that’s clear enough to feel the shape of the words and the energy attached. Then, we will know what to clear next.

When we work with too many outside energies or systems that pull from out to in, we can get lost. We can lose ourselves and our sense of our own source imprint.

Relevant Trainings/Certifications

M.S. Exercise Science & Health Promotion
(specialty in Performance Enhancement)
Sacred Embodiment: the Method (SETM) Healer
Certified Anahata Codes Practitioner
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach 1 & 2
CHEK Exercise Coach
CHEK Practitioner 1 & 2
Certified ChiRunning + ChiWalking Coach
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist
Healing with Light Practitioner
Usui Reiki Master
Arcturian Reiki Healer
Energy Editing
Energetic Chiropractic Practitioner
Soul Mastery: Akashic Records Practitioner
Sacred Activations Advanced Practitioner
Empowered Energetics Practitioner
Core Expansion Practitioner

Learn to live heartbeat by heartbeat, clear the way to a new level of being, and experience deeply nourishing healing with long-lasting effects.

Join an Energy Workout

Train your energy field in a workshop, once a week, five times a week, or on demand 1:1.