Fitness training for your energy field.

How energetically fit are you?

Your entire life is a physical expression of a certain quality of frequency. Build your connection to your pure core frequency through laser-focused energetic training, and embody true strength, power, and resilience.


Frequency = Foundation.

Your frequency is much, much more than “your attitude” or “positive thinking.” That’s like putting pretty wallpaper over an old, crumbling wall full of termites and gaping holes; thinking “high vibe” thoughts is a superficial fix. You’re only disguising what’s really there. And what’s really there will continue to fester and cause breaks in your reality until it’s demolished and rebuilt.

Your true frequency is your essential core signature, underlying anything and everything you do. When you increase the strength and clarity of your own Source connection, your energy field stabilizes at a higher level and you reclaim lost power.


Your Self-Healing Abilities

Learn to live heartbeat by heartbeat, clear the way to a new level of being, and experience deeply nourishing, long-lasting effects of frequency work.

Your true frequency is pure light, manifesting in human form. That light burns brightly and relentlessly from within. It’s your own source connection, which can alter your physical body, allowing you to hold more of your multidimensional self in this reality.

Become empowered to move through anything and everything that’s standing in your way.

Sacred Embodiment: the Method (SETM) is a very powerful technique; it pulls your frequency up extremely quickly. A first session may be short, as it initially won’t take long to max out what you can handle. You'll shift quickly when you begin, and be able to handle/maintain bigger shifts the more you train!

Why “Frequency Gym?”

Frequency Gym is a way to accurately communicate the commitment and personal work that are required for true energetic change. I can assist you by intuiting where and how we need to focus; however, personal responsibility is required to increase your own energetic strength and self-mastery.

There’s no way around “doing the work,” and polishing your core frequency doesn’t happen in an instant. It takes persistence and commitment to reach and maintain a new frequency set point.

Just as you wouldn’t trust a trainer at the gym who promised you’d lose 10 pounds and be able to run a marathon after a single hour-long session, you can’t trust any “healer” who promises instantaneous, lasting results.

The work I do is extremely powerful, and it takes time and practice to be able to master the levels of personal power that will become available to you.

The moment you sign up for a session, your energetic field begins to gear up and anticipate your upcoming clearing. Your soul knows what you’re ready for, and is already starting to shift.

Directed by your own Soul/Lightbody — and based on your intentions — I’ll facilitate the release of disharmonious energies and realign your field so that anything that’s not serving you is free to leave. I’m intuitively guided to raise various parts of your physical system (the embodied part of your Lightbody) in frequency in a very specific and unique order — so that we can lift you up high enough to shake off whatever is holding you back and ready to go.

I lift and hold one part of your body at a time at a higher frequency than where it began. This allows that part to release/drop any trapped energies that are below the lifted level. When I stop holding it with my intention it may go back down, but it will remain higher that where it originally was, because of all the trapped energies it was able to shed as I held it higher. I simply follow your Lightbody's guidance in terms of which body part to work on (and in what order, which is very precise) to allow for the maximum cumulative releasing and frequency jump.

I work 100% in service to your soul. By following the direction of your Lightbody, we are able to clear energies without needing to consciously identify, dissect, or analyze them. That is TRUE FREEDOM! By circumventing logic, judgement, desire, and ego/will, we bypass judgment, mind stories, and limitations and thereby increase the effectiveness of the clearing.

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